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Mistakes Make a Man Perfect - Full Explanation

"Mistakes Make a Man Perfect" You may hear this sentence many times from your childhood till now.
How many of you have made mistakes? All of you, right? However, how many of you have accepted those mistakes and work on them? The answer would not be many. We all make mistakes but only a few have guts to accept the same. We, humans, strive for perfection but forget that humans only make errors, which make them more perfect.

Mistakes Make a Man Perfect and making mistakes quotes

Mistakes are bound to happen. Even if we try not to, we will make a mistake at one or other point of time. So why to hide them? Instead, take ownership of whatever wrong you have done and pledge not to repeat it again! It takes a real human to accept whatever he/she has done and not run away from the doings

Never Budge Your Mistakes

It is a human tendency to transfer all the wrongdoings on others. Shifting focus from yourself to others stating he/she is blamable for the mistake is not right. For Instance, your team had to present a presentation in the meeting but it was not as it had to be. You tend to put the blame on the designer, electrician or so many other persons and try to cover up the errors you made.

The World goes by the same Phenomenon: – 

“Mistakes are made but it was not by me. It was the other person who did so. Dodging the mistake is not a solution.”

Be a Man Enough to Accept the Mistakes Made - Mistakes Make a Man Perfect

It takes lots of guts to accept the wrongdoings and it is not everybody’s cup of tea. Admitting to your mistakes brings you to the eye of being a more honest and courageous person. Yes, if you accept, you would not be dealing with them in the future again. Always make sure that you do not repeat your mistakes in the future, as that would portray that you did not mean sorry for whatever wrong you did.

If you're worried about making a mistake,
You will not be going to know what's the reality is.
If you Already did a mistake,
Don't repeat in the future.
If you did a mistake,
Learn a Lesson from it.

Moral: "Don't worry if you did some mistakes, take experience & learn from it But Don't repeat in the future. " 

Let us look at some of the points, which can help you to deal with your mistakes.

  • Always look at the matters from another person’s perspective as well. Keep yourself in their shoes. You will understand what mistake have you made and what you can do to rectify it.
  • Sympathize with the person or the situation as the errors you made may impact so many people.
  • Weaseling the mistakes made is not a good option, in fact, come out and take responsibility for your wrong deeds. Blaming others for what they have not done does not make you more of a human.
  • Whatever may be the consequences of you accepting the mistake, accept it wholeheartedly. Maybe there would not be any consequence or if any, embrace it with open arms.
  • Apologizing is the first step and be sincere in it. Only saying Sorry will not do. Meaning that sorry would do half of the job.
Source: BeAnInspirer

Motivational Cycle I will I do I can and MISTAKES MAKE A MAN PERFECT

Here are Top 10 Mistakes Quotes Related to Mistakes Make a Man Perfect

  1. "A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new." Albert Einstien 

  2. "Mistakes are to be learned from. What successful people never do is punish themselves by reliving their mistakes over and over again by thinking of them." Gwen Stapleton, Developing A Sharp Mind 

  3. "It's okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are our teachers - they help us to learn." John Bradshaw 

  4. If no mistake has you made, yet losing you are ... a different game you should play.

  5. "The greatest mistake a man can ever make is to be afraid of making one." 

  6. Pick a side and be bold. And if you're wrong, admit it. Jeff Goins 

  7. "Mistakes can help us to fine-tune our skills, learn better ways of doing things, and get our priorities straight." Angela Agranoff, Overcoming Guilt and Shame 

  8. "Mistakes are a sign of trying, and it is always better to try and fail than to fail to try." Robert Washington, Inner Peace, and Happiness In 14 Steps 

  9. "We make our mistakes, we fall yet we learn something new and we rise again. That's the design of humanity, this is our destiny." Angelina Talpa, Love Yourself 

  10. "So what if you make mistakes? That's what it means to be human and that's how you learn to become better." Amy Pendergrass, Productivity: Stick It! 


Humans are made imperfect by God. If they were perfect, they would not be Humans. If this idea is accepted and understood by everybody, all would accept their mistakes and never repeat them again. Mistakes do not make you fall down but it raises you up and faces the world with dignity and elegance. You can hold your head high and not walk in disgrace because you have accepted your errors. You took ownership of everything that nobody could talk behind.

Note:  Mistakes are a sign of growth and learning in everyone’s life.

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